The Click had its genesis as the realization slowly dawned upon me that most of my anime consumption had, thanks to the brilliance of TiVo, been via TV. What an interesting concept, I figured; your usual stereotype of the avid anime viewer involves gobs of legally dubious internet downloads in the form of fansubs, with anime club screenings and legit DVD purchases eking out the remainder of their anime diet. Yet, there I was, on my day off work, catching up on all the Naruto and Samurai Champloo episodes I'd missed throughout the week with the same nerdish fervor regarded to the aforementioned methods. Shortly thereafter I contacted my close friend and proud Sponsor Zac Bertschy of an idea for a column about TV broadcasts, to co-exist alongside their regular list of new manga and DVD releases. The telephone conversation, I believe, went a little like this, if memory serves:
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